Weblog Clients Sofwtare And Web Services

A Weblog Client is software you run on your local machine that lets you post to your blog. In some cases, the Weblog Client can even manage your weblog entries. Weblog Client allows you to write a post even if you are off-line; then, the next time you connect to the Internet, you can publish that post. Read »

Tools for Creating Charts and Diagrams

Free Software

xml swf charts2

xml swf charts

XML/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful tool to create attractive web charts and graphs from dynamic XML data. Create an XML source to describe a chart, then pass it to this tool’s flash file to generate the chart. The XML source can be prepared manually, or generated dynamically using any scripting language (PHP, ASP, CFML, Perl, etc.) XML/SWF Charts makes the best of both the XML and SWF worlds. XML provides flexible data generation, and Flash provides the best graphic quality.

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